The Election of SFO New Presidency
The General Chapter of SFO was held in Budapest at Manrèza Jesuit house. 69 Capitulators from different parts of The world participated in The chapter. There were also observers and translators and technicians. The Capitulators elected the new presidency on 19th november. Fr.Marco Tasca OFMConv.The General Minister presided over the election in the name of first order and TOR.
MINISTRA: ENCARNATION DEL POZO VICEMINISTRO: DOUG CLOREY CONSIGLIERI: Consuelo Nuñez; Lucy Almirañez; Michèle Altmeyer; Maria Aparecida Crepaldi; Ewald Kreuzer; Benedetto Lino; Ana Fruk
Father Marco then confirmed the election of international ministers and councilors, and brought the election to a close.
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