lunedì 17 agosto 2009

"Sell what you possess and you will have treasure in heaven"

Scripture: Matthew 19:16-22

Why did he go away from Jesus with sadness rather than with joy? His treasure and his hope for happiness were misplaced. Treasure has a special connection to the heart, the place of desire and longing, the place of will and focus. The thing we most set our heart on is our highest treasure. The Lord himself is the greatest treasure we can possibly have. Giving up everything else to have the Lord as our treasure is not sorrowful, but the greatest joy. See Jesus' parable about the treasure hidden in a field (Matthew 13:44). Selling all that we have could mean many different things – our job, our style of life, what we do with our free time. Jesus challenged the young man because his heart was possessive. He was afraid to give to others for fear that he would lose what he had gained. Those who are generous towards God and others find that they cannot outmatch God in generosity. God blesses us with innumerable spiritual goods – such as longlasting peace, unspeakable joy, enduring love, abiding relationships and friendship that does not fade or fail – that far outweigh the fleeting joys of material possessions which fail to sastify us beyond the present moment. God alone can satisfy the deepest longing and desires of our heart.

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