mercoledì 22 agosto 2007

"Do you begrudge my generosity?"

Scripture: Matthew 20:1-16

In the parable of the labourers in the vineyard we see the extraordinary generosity and compassion of God. There is great tragedy in unemployment. In Jesus' times hired labourers had to wait each day in the marketplace until someone hired them for a day's job. No work that day usually meant no food on the family table. The labourers who worked all day and received their payment complain that the master pays the late afternoon labourers the same wage. The master, undoubtedly, hired them in the late afternoon so they wouldn't go home pay less and hungry. God is generous in opening the doors of his kingdom to all who will enter, both those who have laboured a life-time for him and those who come at the last hour. While the reward is the same, the motive for one's labour can make all the difference. Some work only for reward. They will only put as much effort in as they think they will get out. Others labour out of love and joy for the opportunity to work. The Lord calls his disciples to serve God and neighbour with generosity and joy.

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