First of all, let us whisper a prayer of thanks to God for the gift of the year that is ending today. From his loving hand we have received the hours, days and months of the year. During this year God has offered us many graces through the events of our lives and through the people we live with and the people we met. They are the ways in which God has dome to us ; it is they who have helped us to learn and to grow. So, as we offer our thanks to God our Father we can also express our gratitude to all the people who have been for us the presence and love of God in our lives.
As we leave this year and enter into the new one, we know that God is coming with us. As we have walked and worked with the Lord in the past, so shall we confidently take up the tasks of the coming year.
Lord Jesus, you are our light, love and our life. You have anointed us with your spirit of truth and courage, the spirit of perseverance and fortitude. As we take leave of the past year and commit it to the heart and mind of your Father and our Father, we request you that we become more conformed to your image, who became one os us.